Grades 9-12

Below are some of the resources we recommend to use with grades 9-12. The list is growing, so check back for more resources.
If you have any recommendations, please email Thank you!
A World Transformed: The Geography of Southeast Asia This learning unit takes a regional approach to emphasize similarities and differences within Southeast Asia. The geographic lens seeks to ask and answer why things are where they are, which is used to explain and understand the role of Southeast Asia in the world. Content is provided within six geographic modules - physical geography, culture and religion, economic geography, environmental degradation, climate change and impact, and globalization.
Bamboo and Latin America This Powerful Geography unit is designed to help high school geography students explore the topic of bamboo and sustainability in Latin America. Students will learn about the factors of bamboo cultivation, its sustainability, related careers, and bamboo ecotourism. All lessons can be adapted for a different region. This unit was sponsored with a grant from the University of Texas Teresa Lozano Long Institute of Latin American Studies (LLILAS) and the Benson Latin American Collection.
Culture Marketing Campaign Students learn about the culture of Sub-Saharan Africa by creating a marketing pitch to sell a new product in the region. (This lesson can be adapted to any region.)
Earthquake Summary Posters From USGS: Each poster in the Earthquake Summary Poster series contains multiple panels showing the epicentral area, plate tectonic environment, earthquake history, and generalized seismic hazard of the region.
Explore Geography and Careers in Geography This kit is a digital Story Map of the Department of Geography's Business Card Directory. It includes a downloadable teacher guide.
Exploring Coffee in Latin America This four-lesson unit explores coffee in Latin America through physical geography, economics, culture, and environmental sustainability. Each lesson integrates Powerful Geography. This unit was sponsored with a grant from the University of Texas Teresa Lozano Long Institute of Latin American Studies (LLILAS) and the Benson Latin American Collection.
GeoCivics Learn more about combining civics and geography with this project and view state-based resources.
Geo Jobs - Explore Careers in Geography This lesson plan allows students to explore careers in geography.
Global Guesstionnaires These trivia-type Bell Ringers are standards-based and seek to draw students in with interesting information and connect to learning in the classroom.
Graphic Organizers in Geography These graphic organizers help students categorize information geographically. They include SHEEP, SPEEDS, ESPN, and SPICE.
Local to Global: Geographic Connections This unit has a strong regional focus on Texas and the United States and also includes global extension topics. The content provided within the five geographic modules (Spatial Skills, Physical Systems, Human Systems, Places and Regions, and Environment and Society) includes case studies, state and national standards, embedded media and online resources, lesson planning, and much more.
Map Skills Word Wall Help students learn the language of maps with this Word Wall Kit! Terms come directly from the TEKS and AP Human Geography CED. A supplementary resource for teachers matches terms with standards, provides resources for terms, and explains the image. Elements of this kit can used at levels K-12.
Maps Outline maps for classroom use for various regions of the world.

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