Teacher Resources
Below are some of the teacher resources. The list is growing, so check back for more resources.
If you have any recommendations, please email tage.geography@txstate.edu. Thank you!
TAGE Where? Why there? Why care? Poster (pdf)
Supplemental Worksheet for Where? Why there? Why Care? Poster (Google Doc for easy customization)
A Road Map to Geography in the Classroom (podcast)
Brock Brown Essay
(PDF, 147KB)
Geographical Summary of Earth as Natural/Physical Environmental System and Humans Interacting with the System
GIS Day in the Classroom
(PDF, 2.27MB)
GIS Day implementation guide. For more, check out https://www.gisday.com/.
The ABCs of Everyday Places and Landscapes
(PDF, 95.2KB)
"Stuff to think about when observing a particular place."